Key Dates and Deadlines


Year Four TA Card expiration date


Last day for work on TA Projects funded with Opt-In TA Cards


Year Five TA Card expiration date
Last day for SOW and budget approval for TA Projects


Last day for TA Program
Last day for work on TA Projects
(As stated above, TA Projects funded with Opt-In TA Cards should be completed by 5/27/2022.)

ACOs and CPs should submit TA Applications to allow time for MassHealth review and approval, development and submission of the SOW and budget with the preferred TA Vendor, and review and approval of the SOW and budget by MassHealth. We suggest allowing 1-2 weeks for each stage of MassHealth review and approval. MassHealth approval of a proposed TA Project’s SOW and budget needs to happen by a TA Card’s expiration date for the ACO/CP to be able to use the funds available on the specified TA Card. When MassHealth released Year Five TA Cards in September 2021, ACOs and CPs were given access to their final MA DSRIP TA Program funding allocations. New TA Projects may be set up to go as late as 9/30/2022.

We encourage submitting TA Applications and the subsequent SOWs and budgets as early as possible to help avoid any possible backlogs and delays in the review and approval process.

Please contact us at with any questions.