Using Telehealth to Transform Care and Increase Access
In 2020, providers began rapidly implementing telehealth solutions, providing new opportunities for facilitating care delivery that can achieve person-centered, high quality care, and reduce total cost of care. HMA will assist ACOs and CPs with assessment and planning to implement telehealth modalities that can transform the way they provide access to care. An ACO or CP can choose to engage HMA for one or both of the following tasks:
TASK 1: HMA will provide 150 hours of TA to assess organizational readiness for implementing an identified telehealth solution using a customized readiness assessment tool. This work will also include an interactive session that explores various forms and modalities of telehealth.
TASK 2: HMA will provide 60 hours of TA to develop an Operational Plan for closing readiness gaps and implementing the identified telehealth solution. The work will reflect your organization’s needs and current state of implementation or readiness.
Support will be provided telephonically or via online audio/video technology. HMA can customize the task descriptions to more specifically address an ACO or CP’s unique needs.
Additional TA Hours: Customization is available with respect to number of TA hours an organization requests to support one or both tasks. Total requested hours will influence pricing.
Onsite Participation: TA support will be provided telephonically or via online audio/video technology unless otherwise requested. Onsite HMA participation may influence pricing.