Training: Practitioner Vitality and Wellness Practices
Investment in vitality and wellness of clinical staff and leadership can reduce burnout, contribute to staff retention, and promote resiliency. This training provides the opportunity for participants to engage in a series of activities, conversations, and exercises that explore the dimensions of meaningful practice, mindful practice, collaborative practice, and sustaining practice that contribute to developing skills to sustain vitality over the long term. Learning objectives include increasing participant understanding of practitioner vitality and challenges in practice settings and providing concrete vitality and wellbeing strategies to take away and apply. Clinical staff of all types are encouraged to attend. This training has received high marks from participating providers in Massachusetts and nationwide. Total training time is six hours and can be divided into shorter sessions. This training can accommodate up to 50 participants and is conducted virtually via an online audio/video platform. Training content can be customized to the specific priorities and experience of the ACO or CP. The training can also be customized for larger or smaller groups. Group size will influence pricing. TA support will be provided via online audio/video technology unless otherwise requested. Onsite HMA participation will influence pricing.