Readmission Reduction Improvement Coaching “Sprint”
This TA engagement is for teams who are ready to make a change to their readmission reduction (or post discharge follow up) processes to get better results. We will assess current goals, evaluate current performance. We will critically evaluate existing targeting criteria and critically evaluate current service delivery. We will develop and use a weekly operational dashboard to establish clarity on current-state implementation of intended services, and use that operational dashboard to improve service delivery to close gaps. We will establish a familiarity with your managerial and front-line teams to understand the root causes of failure (readmissions or failure of timely contact), work to mitigate those root causes by implementing small scale tests of change. Your team will leave this sprint with a different set of skills, a different mindset and the ability to use operational data and root causes to improve performance moving forward. This includes 12 coaching calls over 3 months.
CHS is happy to customize this TA opportunity in any of a variety of ways. This could certainly lend itself to ongoing strategic and technical advisement and performance improvement coaching. We always look to serve at the largest scale possible, and this offering would be great to customize for collaborations with multiple ACOs and/or CPs.