Performance Improvement Affinity Group
This offering establishes a peer Affinity Group for quality professionals and practice facilitators working in organizations within a single ACO or CP. The approach supports a monthly interactive virtual meeting focusing on capacity building through review of tools and methods and sharing of best practices by peers.
This approach fosters a community of continuous shared learning in order to build capacity of QI professionals supporting ACO and Community Partner organizations. The monthly webinars utilize case studies and review and use of methods in the life cycle of improvement. Joint problem solving by peers is fostered with support of expert faculty, tools, and methods.
Up to 30 organizations within an ACO or CP can be supported.
The affinity group content and interaction frequency can be customized based on the goals and objectives of the sponsoring organization. Individual coaching time can also be added to the model to provide assistance to participants in translating peer ideas and best practices into actions within their respective organizations.