Outreach and Engagement for Individuals Experiencing or At-Risk of Homelessness: Best Practices Training
Time: A series of two, 90-minute instructor led training courses or one half-day training
Audience: Outreach workers, care coordinators
Location: Instructor led, virtual training or blended.
Goal and topics: This training series develops the knowledge, skills, and attitudes outreach workers need to:
- Identify and engage with individuals experiencing or at-risk of homelessness, and
- Connect them to appropriate services using recovery-oriented and trauma-informed approaches.
Participants will learn best practices in seeking out and interacting with people who are experiencing homelessness to assess their needs and serve as a conduit to connect them to appropriate social services, treatment, case management, housing, and employment programs. Additionally, participants will learn about harm reduction and the best practices of effective engagement.
The modules will be tailored for staff with less than 3 years of experience or those seeking a refresher. The TA project can be developed as a self-paced eLearning.