Effective Supervision 2 Day Training Series
Time: 2 training days.
Audience: CP/ACO supervisors (new or needing support).
Location: Remote/virtual.
Goal: Supervisors play an important part in the development of effective multidisciplinary teams (professionals/paraprofessionals) that collaborate in integrated care settings to deliver a gold standard of care.
Following this highly interactive training, participants will (a) increase their understanding of the key roles they play as supervisors (teacher, coach, manager); (b) gain insight into their own supervisory style and its pros/cons in relation to their supervisees’ different personality and learning styles; and (c) develop skills to address common barriers to effective supervision. Training will address residual impacts from COVID-19 (remote supervision, trauma, grief, economic stress, etc.) to create a culture of wellness and resilience. Customization: Customized for specific challenges supervisors encounter at your organization.
This training can be customized by meeting with agency staff to understand needs, interests, etc.; and by developing 1 to 2 case studies/group work exercises specific to your workplace. It could also be implemented with multiple departments or agencies.