Design Thinking for Health Care Organizations Workshop
The workshop is intended for individuals who lead the design or improvement of processes in the organization, including front line staff who serve members of improvement teams.
The goal of this workshop is to teach health professionals how to implement Design Thinking using Human Factors Design concepts. Design Thinking helps develop practical and innovative solutions for problems. It is a human-focused, prototype-driven, and innovative approach that can accelerate the pace of change in an organization.
This workshop is conducted in collaboration with Doug Solomon, Ph.D. Senior Research Fellow at the Palo Alto-based Institute for the Future, and a CSI innovation consultant.
This is an interactive skills-based workshop conducted virtually through webcasts. Participants will gain experience practicing three phases of human factors design including the empathy phase, the ideation phase, and the rapid prototyping phase.
The workshop can be customized based on the goals and objectives of the sponsoring organization.